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Eco Church

  Our Chapel is set in a beautiful part of the Cornish countryside, surrounded by farmland

  and on the edge of the National Trust’s Penrose Estate. Nearby are Loe Pool, woodlands

  and coastline to explore, via a network of footpaths. We are aware that many of those who

  pass by, both locals and visitors, come to enjoy the scenery and to exercise, surrounded

  by nature. We are also aware of the many pressures facing nature: pollution, climate

  change etc. We want to play our part in celebrating and caring for creation in all its 







Environmental Policy

'Our Church Caring For God’s Earth'

  As a Prayer Chapel we seek to celebrate and care for God’s world in all areas of our life


  • Through worship, prayer and learning together

  • Through managing our building and land in an environmentally sensitive manner

  • Through reducing, reusing and recycling wherever possible, and thereby reducing our carbon footprint and use of finite resources

  • Through encouraging all groups & individuals who use our premises to care for creation and celebrate its wonders

  • Through working in partnership with other local churches, community groups, charities etc. in caring for creation

  • Through using the Eco Church and Green Church Kernow award schemes to measure our progress and inspire further action.

  Therefore in recent years we have:

  • Changed to a green energy provider (Ecotricity)

  • Held an annual Environment Sunday

  • Adopted an environmental policy

  • Minimised use of disposable cups, plates etc.

  • Encouraged wildlife in the garden (bird-feeders etc.)

  • Offered Creation Walks which explore local area

  • Attained Eco Church Bronze & Silver awards

  • Changed to LED bulbs where possible

  • Provide cycle racks at front of chapel

  In the near future we plan to:

  • Use only environmentally-friendly cleaning products

  • Make the garden even more wildlife-friendly

  • Calculate our energy use and carbon footprint

  • Go for Eco Church Gold

  Eco Church

  This is an award scheme for churches of all denominations in England and Wales who want

  to demonstrate that they care for God’s earth. It covers 5 key areas of church life:

  • Worship & Teaching

  • Management of Church Buildings

  • Management of Church Land

  • Community & Global Engagement

  • Lifestyle

  The award has 3 levels – Bronze, Silver & Gold. For more information about Eco Church,


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